An Upper Clutha Community Arts Council Project

$200 Each class
11A & 11B
Gemma Strattan
Brush making
This will involve two two-day workshops. You may sign up for one or both.
11A: Hand brush and pencil brush – Tuesday and Wednesday
11B: Whisk brush and slip brush – Thursday and Friday
Hand Brush (HearthBrush)
This workshop offers the opportunity to complete a Hearth Style Hand Brush. Using respectfully sourced Ti Köuka/Cabbage tree leaves and Hazel wood ; participants will prepare the fibre, make a length of cord using a European Cordage Technique and then assemble this wonderfully useful Brush.
All tools and materials are provided, though if you happen to have a source of good quality dried/fallen down Ti Köuka leaves near you please bring a bundle along.
This Workshop is for Adults only.
A high level of finger dexterity and wrist strength is required to complete this brush.
Pencil Brush.
Learn to prepare the materials for and assemble a small versatile Pencil Style Brush. These brushes can be used but are not only limited to the kitchen, at the easel, in the oiling jar, or for childrens craft interests. During our time together skills learnt will be, fibre preparation, fine cordage making, basic hole drilling & a useful lashing technique.
All Materials and Tools Provided (Though if you do have a source of good quality dried, already fallen Ti Köuka Leaves near you please bring a small bundle along).
Workshop 2: Whisk brush and slip brush
After completing this workshop you will go home with a wonderfully useful Whisk Style Brush, perfect for sweeping table tops or work surfaces, hearths or potting benches. The skills learnt in the workshop can be applied to a variety of Materials for an easy and thoughtful gift. This style of brush is made completely from Prepared Ti Kouka/Cabbage tree leaf Fibres and a long and strong length of cord which we will work on during our time together.
All tools and materials provided.
Though if you do have good quality dried/already fallen Ti köuka Leaves near you please bring a small bundle along with you.
Reasonable wrist and hand strength is required to complete this brush.
For the Potters during this workshop you will assemble a wide Whisk style Brush for applying slip or sweeping your (non clay related) work surface. Together we will prepare and dry Ti Kouka leaves, make string and then assemble the Brush using a basic foot operated tension holder or a Friend. This is a wonderful Brushmaking technique as it requires only simple tools and processes that are available to anyone, and these processes can be easily tweaked for specific purposes and can also be used outside the realm of Pottery.
All tools and Materials Provided: (Though if you do have a good quality source of Dried/already Fallen Ti Köuka Leaves please bring a small bundle along).
Reasonable Hand and Wrist strength is required to complete this brush.